Golden Retriever 10 meses 8 dias (I)

Golden Retriever - San Sebastián, Spain

5 comentarios:

Que perro muy lindo!
Yo tambien vivo cerca del mar, pero en Inglaterra. Y soy un labrador negro.
Quisieras signar mi libro de hospitalidad, con tu foto?

Duke, you're very handsome for such a young guy! It looks like you have a good time on the coast. Is that where you live?
- Charlie's mom

Looks like a great beach Duke!

Love your pictures on the beach! Looks like so much fun. Would you like to exchange links?

Have a good week, K?

You have a beautifull dog.
I also have a golden retriever named Duke. Nice name, isn't it? His favorite place is the beach. If you are curious then visit my site and look at Duke's Gallery.
Greatings from Holland,

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